Revesby Estate Education; Past and Present

Revesby Education; History and Present Day
The former school situated on the Village Green at Revesby was constructed of red brick in Flemish Bond, under a pitched gabled roof of slate. Originally one central porch, though when converted to semi-detached houses this was demolished and replaced by a pair of gabled porches. The school was threatened with closure in 1958 after the headmistress retired, but a development plan was put in place to instead close Moorby school, with the pupils transferred to Mareham-le-Fen school. The school was closed in the late 20th century.  

The Estate still maintains a strong link with education as we host school visits through the Country Trust.
Our joint aim is to provide young people the opportunity to experience and learn about life in the countryside, how to look after the countryside and where and how food is produced. Not only is this education vitally important for their own understanding and life choices, but the chance to be in nature and explore helps nourish so many important personal skills in curiosity, confidence and facing challenges. 

For more information on this important charity, see the website details below:

Connecting children with the land that sustains us all (



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