18th Century Estate Letter Books Discovered


What were 'Letter Books' and why were they used?

This month, whilst sifting through the Estate Archives, we came across many delicate but sturdily- bound books. These were the writings of Lady Beryl and various Stanhopes that managed the Estate. These are called ‘Wet letter books’, also known as letterpress copybooks and were a method used in the 19th and early 20th centuries to make copies of outgoing correspondence. This system was essential for record-keeping before the advent of carbon paper and photocopiers. The process of using wet letter books involved several key steps:

1. Writing the Original Letter: The original letter was written in ink on regular paper.

2. Preparing the Copybook: A letterpress copybook contained thin, tissue-like pages. Each page was pre-moistened with a damp cloth or sponge, making it slightly wet.

3. Pressing the Copy: The freshly written letter was placed face-down onto the dampened page of the copybook. The book was then closed, and pressure was applied using a special letterpress device. This device often looked like a small, portable press or a heavy bookbinding press.

4. Transferring the Ink: The pressure caused the ink from the original letter to transfer onto the damp tissue paper, creating a mirror image of the text. The moisture helped to loosen and transfer the ink effectively.

5. Drying and Preservation: Once the transfer was complete, the copybook page would be allowed to dry. The thin, translucent pages made it possible to read the copied text easily, even though it was reversed. Each copy remained in the book, providing a permanent record of the correspondence.

Wet letter books were crucial for businesses, legal practices and all Estate administration , allowing the Estate’s ancestors to keep detailed and organised records of all outgoing letters. These books provided a reliable way to reference past communications, ensuring accountability and continuity in professional and personal exchanges. 



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