Take a moment….


I am wondering if anyone has seen more butterflies than our two or three apart from one Yellow Brimstone at the very beginning of spring and two or three Small white, and Speckled Wood butterflies, it’s very concerning, and sad.

I have three Buddleia bushes in full flower but no butterflies, lawns covered in white clover
and daisy and just the odd solitary bee. I know many of you now plant flowers to provide
food for butterflies and bees and are encouraged not to be too garden proud.

In the Bible, God’s word reassures us that God cares for the birds of the air and the flowers of the fields and us and everything in between; but he still needs us to step up and do what we can.

The wildlife coming into our gardens brings us so much pleasure I’m sure you agree. I’m
hoping by the time this letter goes out we will see an upturn maybe they are like us waiting
for a long spell of warmer weather.

With so much heavy rainfall and local flooding it makes you wonder if many of the
caterpillars have got washed away. I was reading that in 1979 the large blue butterfly was
declared extinct in England due to wet summers and the shortage of short cropped grass.
The good news has been that they were reintroduced in the South West of the country in
1983 with identical butterflies from Sweden which resulted in a thriving colony in Somerset’s Collard Hill.

It’s amazing what conservation is achieving these days. Hopefully for us and the butterflies
this is something which will come right. We all, I think want this planet of ours and its
wildlife to remain just as we remembered it as children.

I met a lovely lady and her mother the other day who stopped me as I was getting into the
car and brought up this subject, telling me about the butterflies she was missing in her
garden and asked me to pray for the butterflies and the bees, I said I would. I think some
prayers for some seasonal weather might not go amiss too.
I hope you readers will join us both by adding your prayers to ours for our butterflies and
bees and that we hope to see them dancing around once again in our gardens in some
summer sunshine.

Summer blessings and best wishes.
Revd Kathy Bush. 01790763266

Revesby St Lawrence Dates for your diary:

Monday 2nd September 10am –12pm: Monthly Church Coffee Morning held in Revevst Village Hall. Great cakes, company, tea/coffee and a good raffle….Hope to see you there!

Saturday 7th – Sunday 8th of September: ‘Open Churches Festival ‘ 10am-3pm, details to follow.



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